Our Beginnings
In March 1990, St. Paul’s United Methodist Church was asked to act as a counting station for the first-ever homeless census count. Willing volunteers helped to serve a warm meal and distribute clothing, blankets and hygiene items. Through the interaction between church people and the homeless, many volunteers were made aware of the needs of the homeless in our local community. One man in particular was extremely touched and wanted to somehow embrace the homeless population and show them that there were people who really cared. It was from this strong conviction that Project:NEEDS was born.

Our Main Purposes
Project:NEEDS offers two main services to those in need in our community. Every Tuesday evening a hot meal is available to anyone. We also have a food pantry (on the first Thursday of each month) that distributes groceries to anyone in need.
In our approach, special attention is placed on making the homeless and hungry feel comfortable coming to us and promoting “one on one” relationships. Every person who comes for a meal or groceries is served with dignity and respect. We strive to show all persons that they are valued.
Project:NEEDS provides the foundation for change in our local community. We are a grassroots project that is community supported. We have local churches and interfaith groups that volunteer and provide resources. We are proud to have established a long-going relationship with philanthropic and civic organizations throughout the South Bay. Although Project: NEEDS is a church ministry, faith is not the primary issue concerning this project. We serve those in need in the South Bay without concern for religion, race, sexuality, or health. We hope to show our faith by turning our words into actions. Pastoral support and counseling is available to anyone expressing interest.
“As you serve the least of them, you serve me…” Jesus Christ

Project:NEEDS Provides…
A warm meal prepared by loving hands in our church kitchen served every Tuesday starting at 5:15 p.m.
Clothing distribution (as items are available) on Tuesday evenings and Thursday mornings when the pantry is open.
Our food pantry is open the first Thursday of each month.
Hygiene and first aid products are distributed as supplies are collected.
Infant Supplies, such as diapers and baby food (when they are available) to families with young children.

On-going Needs
Financial contributions
Paper napkins
Heavy-duty foil
Paper towels
33-gallon garbage bags
Powdered laundry soap
Healthy breakfast cereals
Peanut butter, cans of vegetables, ravioli, soup, beans, tuna
Baby items, such as diapers, food, rash ointment and formula
New or used clothes in reasonable condition
Ziploc bags (sandwich, quart or gallon size; freezer type are best)
Bottled water
School supplies
We truly appreciate your time and support! Please contact the church office for volunteering opportunities. All appropriate items should be purchased with concern for the environment.

Project:NEEDS is a church and community project that relies solely on the donations of volunteers and local community members who share a commitment to the needs of the poor and homeless in our community.
Project:NEEDS welcomes the support of local churches, interfaith communities, individuals, businesses and philanthropic groups.
Sponsorship/Adoption of Project: NEEDS can be accomplished in a variety of ways:
MONEY DONATION (you may also donate online)
MEAL SPONSORSHIP – A prepared meal to serve about 150 people costs about $300
PARTIAL MEAL SPONSORSHIP – Responsible for a portion of a Tuesday evening meal
CANNED FOOD COLLECTION – We especially need cans of tuna, soups, and pop-top cans for those who are without a stove
All food or monetary donations are welcomed. Together we are making a difference in the lives of those in our community!

Volunteers Are Needed
Volunteers are always needed; please contact Donna at the church office if you would like to donate your time.
For more information about Project: NEEDS, contact:
Donna Barr, Project:NEEDS Executive Director
Phone number: 310-370-4319